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Published Reports

Planned Reports (tentative)

  • 1.Telecom Playbooks: China Mobile
  • 2.Webscale Playbook: Microsoft Update
  • 3.Webscale Playbook: Amazon Update
  • 4.Webscale Playbook: Facebook Update
  • 5.Webscale Playbook: Alphabet Update
  • 6.Webscale Playbooks: Yandex
  • 7.Webscale Playbooks: ByteDance
  • 8.Telecom’s biggest vendors: 3Q20 edition
  • 9.Telecom’s biggest vendors: 2Q20 edition
  • 10.Telecom’s biggest vendors: 1Q20 edition
  • 11.Telecommunications Network Operators: 3Q20 Market Review
  • 12.Webscale Network Operators: 3Q20 Market Review
  • 13.Carrier-Neutral Market Reviews: 2Q20
  • 14.Telecom Playbooks: Telefonica
  • 15.Telecom Playbooks: Verizon
  • 16.Telecom’s biggest vendors: 4Q19 edition

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Telecom network operator bundle

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