MTN Consulting is focused on network operators & their technology supply chains, tracking the economics of the network operator business and assessing the big shifts that impact technology spending trends. Our coverage includes:

3 major network operator markets

  • Telecom Network Operator (TNO)
  • Webscale Network Operator (WNO)
  • Carrier-Neutral Network Operator (CNNO)

190+ operators

Across the three major network operator markets in all key regions

40+ time series

10+ years’ market- and operator-wise data across quarters and years starting 2011

~50 reports published per year

  • Market data and insight reports spanning –
  • quarterly market reviews
  • operator and vendor deep dives
  • benchmarking and strategic assessments
  • forecast/outlook analysis
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Latest report

India’s CDOT continues to punch above its weight

This brief is a short profile of India’s Centre for Development of Telematics (CDOT). CDOT is a widely misunderstood “public sector undertaking” (PSU) of the Indian government. It presents itself as a stodgy, outdated agency with limited relevance to fast-paced modern communications networks. It has almost no marketing or public relations function. Its website is badly outdated; the organizational timeline outlined on its site stops in 2016, for instance. Many of the products it makes available to partners through ‘transfer of technology’ (TOT) or commercialization agreements are similarly dated, and not competitive with offerings from private sector players such as Cisco, Ericsson, and Nokia. But there is far more than meets the eye. CDOT has upped its game in the last few years, boosting its speed and profile under the current CEO, Rajkumar Upadhyay, who took over in 2022. CDOT oversees the government’s Telecom Technology Development Fund “TTDF”, a small fund which is broadening its reach and budget over time. CDOT has been investing in 5G tech development alongside the big 4G project it’s currently implementing at state telco BSNL, in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services. While 4G may be yesterday’s news, CDOT is working on 5G with several startups, including Galore, VVDN, and WiSig. CDOT is also central to India’s efforts to develop capabilities in quantum communications and cryptography, and hosts an annual “conclave” on the topic. Relatedly, CDOT tech is essential to the operations of India’s government and defense communications networks, which will ensure the agency have ongoing budgetary support. Its current budget is tiny: in the fiscal year ended March 2023, its total expenses amounted to just $68M. That works out to about 1.5% of the $4.7B Ericsson spent just on R&D in the same timeframe, or 18% of the US FCC’s total budget was for that 12 month period. CDOT is getting a lot of bang for this relatively small investment of bucks. And there are many signs that point to the entity playing a bigger role over time as a facilitator in the telecom side of Make in India.  

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MTN Consulting is focused on network operators & their technology supply chains, tracking the economics of the network operator business and assessing the big shifts that impact technology spending trends. Our coverage includes:

  • 3 major network operator markets
  • 190+ operators
  • 40+ time series
  • 50 reports published per year

Latest report

India’s CDOT continues to punch above its weight

This brief is a short profile of India’s Centre for Development of Telematics (CDOT). CDOT is a widely misunderstood “public sector undertaking” (PSU) of the Indian government. It presents itself as a stodgy, outdated agency with limited relevance to fast-paced modern communications networks. It has almost no marketing or public relations function. Its website is badly outdated; the organizational timeline outlined on its site stops in 2016, for instance. Many of the products it makes available to partners through ‘transfer of technology’ (TOT) or commercialization agreements are similarly dated, and not competitive with offerings from private sector players such as Cisco, Ericsson, and Nokia. But there is far more than meets the eye. CDOT has upped its game in the last few years, boosting its speed and profile under the current CEO, Rajkumar Upadhyay, who took over in 2022. CDOT oversees the government’s Telecom Technology Development Fund “TTDF”, a small fund which is broadening its reach and budget over time. CDOT has been investing in 5G tech development alongside the big 4G project it’s currently implementing at state telco BSNL, in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services. While 4G may be yesterday’s news, CDOT is working on 5G with several startups, including Galore, VVDN, and WiSig. CDOT is also central to India’s efforts to develop capabilities in quantum communications and cryptography, and hosts an annual “conclave” on the topic. Relatedly, CDOT tech is essential to the operations of India’s government and defense communications networks, which will ensure the agency have ongoing budgetary support. Its current budget is tiny: in the fiscal year ended March 2023, its total expenses amounted to just $68M. That works out to about 1.5% of the $4.7B Ericsson spent just on R&D in the same timeframe, or 18% of the US FCC’s total budget was for that 12 month period. CDOT is getting a lot of bang for this relatively small investment of bucks. And there are many signs that point to the entity playing a bigger role over time as a facilitator in the telecom side of Make in India.  

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Our Three Core Offerings


MTNC’s research is focused on communications network infrastructure, a market attracting $3.5 trillion in annual operator revenues. Our goal is to provide credible, holistic assessments of where the NI market currently stands and where it is headed. Reports address market and technology trends, key players, and country dynamics.

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MTNC bundles its research into an annual subscription service called “Global Network Infrastructure”. GNI provides clients with an end-to-end view of the network operator business, assessing the big shifts that impact technology spending trends. GNI clients include technology vendors (chips, network equipment and software, IT services), operators, regulators, and investors.

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Our consulting services include: scenario planning; market sizing, forecasting, and analysis; organizational strategy; marketing support; competitive benchmarking; and, due diligence support for M&A and PE transactions. We bring experience and independence to the table, and access to the proprietary databases generated by our GNI subscription program.

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Quantifying the energy cost savings from 2G/3G network shutdowns...
Posted by: Samir Ahmad on 18/10/2022

With each passing day, the 2G and 3G layers of telcos' mobile networks are looming as heavy loads on operating expenses (opex). That's due to multiple issues but especially energy consumption and related costs. With the exist

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Telco capital intensity hits 10 year peak in 2Q22...
Posted by: Matt Walker on 06/09/2022

Vendors continue to wrestle with supply chain constraints in the telecom sector. That's clear from several recent vendor earnings reports, including those issued by Dell, HPE, and Ciena in recent weeks. Telco spending, though

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Vendor landscape continues to shift in telecom market as cloud and 5G ...
Posted by: Matt Walker on 29/07/2022

Telco network spending has been on the rise over the last few quarters. Vendor sales of network infrastructure to the telco vertical ("Telco NI”) totaled $55.5B in 1Q22, up 5.7% YoY. On an annualized basis, Telco NI revenue

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Telecom’s top 3 vendors betting big on enterprise expansion; Hua...
Posted by: Matt Walker on 14/06/2022

Telco NI's top 3 Telcos buy products & services from dozens of different vendors. Our research tracks 130. Some are relatively easy to classify into a segment, e.g. Corning, a "cabling & connectivity" vendor in our

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After failure to adapt to 4G, telcos need to evolve...
Posted by: Melvin Bankhead III, Contributing Writer on 19/05/2022

It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who coined the phrase, “Change is the only constant in life.” Well over a thousand years later, Benjamin Franklin continued the thought, saying, “When you are finished changing

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Telcos are upgrading their workforce, but it comes at a price...
Posted by: Matt Walker on 11/05/2022

One of the many telecom stats we track is "labor costs", i.e. what telcos spend in salaries and benefits to support their workforce. Not a lot of other analyst firms track labor costs, if any. It's not an easy one to track, a

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Our Research Bundles

MTN Consulting’s Market Data bundle is designed for clients who need to understand all three types of network operators we track – telecom, webscale, and carrier-neutral. The bundle includes all of our Excel-based Market Review reports tracking these individual operator segments.
MTN Consulting’s Telecom Network Operator (TNO) bundle provides clients with a deep dive into the telecommunications segment of network operators. The bundle’s products help clients understand how telcos are growing and transforming their operations.
MTN Consulting’s Webscale Network Operator (WNO) bundle provides a deep look at the webscale segment of network operators – how it’s growing, how individual WNOs are building out their networks, and which suppliers are benefiting.

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